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2355 STATE ST STE 101, SALEM, OR 97301 | (503) 914-1035
by Oregon Registered Agent LLC

Oregon Business Presence

Our Oregon Business Presence streamlines the business formation process for you. We provide local registered agent and business formation services all in one spot. And, the best part? You’ll get all the tools to hit the ground running, including:

  • Domain Name
  • Customizable Website
  • SSL Certificate
  • Business Email
  • Local Phone Service

Get started today for ZERO additional upfront fees! You’ll get a 90-day FREE trial of our web service, SSL certificate, business email, and local phone service. Afterward, you’ll pay just $9 a month. Your domain name is FREE for one year, then $25+ per year after. By bundling everything together, you’ll save 20%! Add Oregon Business Presence to our registered agent or business formation service today!

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Features of Oregon Business Presence

At Oregon Registered Agent, we understand that forming an Oregon LLC or corporation involves more than filing paperwork and paying state fees. Once your business is registered with the state, you need to start attracting customers, finding vendors, and earning a steady income. That’s why we created Oregon Business Presence.

When you add Oregon Business Presence to our business formation service, you get all of the following:

  1. Domain name
  2. Customizable website
  3. SSL certificate
  4. Business email
  5. Local phone service


1. Domain name:

Your domain name is your URL—it’s where customers will find you online. For example, the full web address for Oregon Registered Agent is, but our domain name is With our Business Presence package, you can choose a domain name, and we’ll work with you to ensure it’s available.

How do I get a domain name?

You can purchase a domain name from a domain name registrar or a business (like us) that works with registrars. However, two important factors must be considered before purchasing a domain name.

    • Choosing a name. Before choosing a domain name, you’ll want to make sure it’s easily identifiable and connected to your business.

Let’s say you own a bakery in Portland called “Ramona’s Pie Shop.” You could use your exact business name (“ramonaspieshop”) or use something slightly different (like “pieshopportland”). Whatever you ultimately choose will also depend on what domain names are available.

    • Choosing a top-level domain (TLD). A top-level domain (or TLD) is the last bit of a domain name. For example, most websites end with “.com.” But you could choose “.org,” .net,” or another popular TLD.

How much does a domain name cost?

The price of a domain name will vary between registrars and will also depend on which TLD you choose. For example, unique TLDs such as “.build,” “.bar,” or “.press” tend to be more expensive (up to $100 in some cases). We recommend going with something more common, like “.com,” which will save you money and likely be easier for customers to remember.

Our domain service is free for the first year. After that, prices will begin at $25 a year. Higher-value URLs will have a higher price tag, but most domains will run around $25 a year.

2. Customizable Website:

Your website is where the general public will learn about your business and (hopefully) make a purchase. In essence, your domain name is like your street address, and your website is the storefront. With Oregon Business Presence, you’ll get 90 days of free secure web hosting and a customizable website you can build and push live in minutes. Once the 90-day trial is over, it’s just $9 a month.

Do I need a business website?

A business website isn’t necessarily a requirement, but it’s a quick and easy way to attract customers and build revenue streams. Plus, starting and maintaining a website is much more cost-effective than renting or purchasing a physical storefront.

How do I create a website?

Most web-hosting services provide customizable templates so you can build a site specific to your needs. However, these services are expensive and often require a background in website design or coding. With our Oregon Business Presence, ZERO web design or coding knowledge is required. We provide pre-built sites that are easy to use. Simply use our drag-and-drop tools to add text, photos, and videos. It is that easy.

3. SSL Certificate

SSL Certificates ensure the security of your website, especially when selling products or services online.

What is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is how websites protect customers and gain trust. In simple terms, SSL encrypts data that is being transferred between computers. So, when customers input their information (such as an email address, password, or credit card number) on your website, their data is protected against hackers. Without SSL, unauthorized entities can try and steal your client’s information.

What is an SSL Certificate?

An SSL Certificate is like an online ID card. It signals to users that your website is secure and trustworthy. Websites with an SSL Certificate are preceded by “HTTPS” (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) instead of “HTTP.”

Does my website need an SSL Certificate?

You will likely want to get an SSL Certificate. Customers who interact with or purchase through your website will want to know their information is safe. Without an SSL Certificate, customers may be reluctant to buy from you—let alone visit your site.

4. Business Email

Email is a quick and effective way to interact with customers. You can use it to send order confirmations, shipping notices, or promotional materials. With Oregon Business Presence, you’ll get an email address directly connected to your unique domain name. So, if your company’s domain name is “,” we can offer you an email address like “[email protected]” or “[email protected].” You can add up to 10 email addresses to your account.

Do I need a business email address?

Legally, you are not required to have a business email address. However, most business owners benefit from having an email address separate from their personal address. Having a company-specific email address will help keep your personal life independent from your business.

How do I access my business email?

After you purchase our Oregon Business Presence, you’ll have immediate access to your website and email through our client portal. Then, you’ll receive a link to your email account manager.

5. Business Phone Number

Like an email address, a business phone number helps separate one’s personal life from one’s business and provides a more professional appearance. Our web-based phone line comes with an Oregon area code (of your choice) and can be used on your computer or other personal device. With our free iOS or Android apps, you can easily access your business phone with your current cell phone. And the best part? You can easily distinguish between business and personal calls without purchasing a new phone or device.

Do I need a business phone number?

Again, legally, you are not required to have a business phone number. However, having a company phone line allows you to know when a call is personal and when a call is business-related. Plus, you won’t have to worry about customers calling your personal number during non-business hours.

Benefits of our Oregon Business Presence Package

Our package provides all the tools to jumpstart your Oregon LLC or corporation. With just one click, you can form your business, appoint a registered agent, and build an online presence for your company. How?

  1. Sign up for Oregon Business Formation or Registered Agent Service. When checking out, select “Oregon Business Presence.” Easy.
  2. Log into your Client Portal. If you’re already a customer, you can add Oregon Business Presence by clicking “Hire Us” and selecting “Set Your Online Business Presence.”

A successful Oregon business requires more than registering with the state and appointing a registered agent. You need to let the public know you’re ready for business. Our package gives you the tools to attract customers and make sales immediately.